Zieger & Sons Inc. is a Wholesale Florist selling only to retailers for resale. We do not sell our products to the public or end consumers. We assume all products are purchased for resale and require proof of State Sales Tax License Number in order to set up an account and begin purchasing. If you would like to register to be a new Zieger customer, please click on the link below and fill out our on-line form. After completion of the form, one of our salespeople will reach out to you and get you set up…usually within 24 hours.
Shop Zieger Inventory
- Once you register and set up an account, you can begin purchasing flowers and supplies right from our coolers and warehouses. Shop at your convenience, 24/7.
- Browse current inventory for your daily needs.
- Log in to check current availability of specific items.
- Look at availability of flowers while they are in transit from our farms and suppliers.
- Use the Shop Zieger Inventory tool for the ultimate in purchasing convenience!
Order Floral Supplies Direct
More choices • Lower minimums • Delivered to your door via Zieger trucks
Register (new users) or click on "Log-In" above.
Order anytime 24/7 in 10 cases or more.
If your order is placed before noon on Wednesday it usually arrives at Zieger
the following Wednesday. Zieger & Sons trucks will deliver your order either
the Friday or Monday after the order arrived.
Zieger & Sons will invoice you for your order.